December 21, 2015

[Results] "BACK TO BASIC," 12.21.2015 @ New FURY Arena

New FURY Pro-Wrestling,
December 21, 2015
New FURY Arena (200)
210 Fans (Super No Vacancy Full House)

To open the show, Hiroaki Nakata, Tetsuhisa NAKAI, Shuusaku Kaito, Masatoshi Aoyama, Yohei Kanazaki, Shogo Takeda, and Kazuya Itoi stood in a triangular formation in the ring, with Nakata taking center-stage with microphone in hand. After welcoming the 200+ fans to their debut performance, Nakata said that a new chapter in Pro-Wrestling was now beginning. And while there would surely be tough times ahead, the spirit of Pro-Wrestling will endure. Nakata said that everyone standing in the ring was committed to continuing FURY's grand message of spreading the vibrant color of Professional Wrestling...

December 12, 2015

[News] New FURY Gym Public Training Session Report

-- Not allowing the 12/05 attacks to interfere with their training, the five first term graduates of the New FURY Gym -- with permission by Co-Principal Hiroaki Nakata allowed reporters and bloggers to sit in on a rather important training session. Leading up to their official debuts on 12/21, the five soon-to-be-rookies have begun developing their offensive arsenals.

December 08, 2015

[News] Tetsuhisa NAKAI Responds to 12/05 Attacks

-- Two days following the revolting attack of Hiroaki Nakata and the five New FURY Gym graduates, a press conference was called by Co-Principal Tetsuhisa NAKAI from the company's training facility to comment on the revolting attack of Hiroaki Nakata and the five graduates of the New FURY Gym.

December 05, 2015

[NEWS] Ring Costume Ceremony Ruined; Nakata and First Term Students Assaulted!

-- From the New FURY Gym facilities in Osaka, a very special presentation was held in which the first five graduates of the New FURY Gym would receive their ring costumes for t heir 12/21 debuts... However, the event was ruined by a ghastly assault by the hands of Norihiro Akashi and Daisuke Iwakuma!

December 03, 2015

[NEWS] Norihiro Akashi and Daisuke Iwakuma Return to Japan

-- Earlier this afternoon, reporters were tipped off to the arrival of Norihiro Akashi and Daisuke Iwakuma at Narita Airport. Fresh from an extended American stay, the two were clearly annoyed by the media's presence. While initially refusing to answer any questions, Akashi eventually addressed the media.

December 01, 2015

[NEWS] The Creation of New FURY Pro-Wrestling

-- Much was speculated about when Hiroaki Nakata and Tetsuhisa NAKAI jointly announced the opening of their brand new dojo -- interestingly named New FURY Dojo. Earlier this morning, the gossip was finally proven to be reality as a new promotion was announced at a small press conference held by Nakata and NAKAI. The promotion will feature the products of their dojo, giving the rookies a place to formally debut and further hone their craft.

December 06, 1970


Real Name: Kazuya Itoi (糸井和哉)
Nickname: "Curator of the Past"
Birthdate: June 16, 1994
Hometown: Suita, Osaka
Height: 172cm (5'8")
Weight: 95kg (210lbs)
Blood Type: O
Debut Match: December 21, 2015 (vs. Jet Jaguar)
Theme Song: TBD

Physical Appearance: Itoi's body is lean and somewhat unassuming. He is clean shaven, with an additionally unassuming bowl haircut.

Ring Costume: Itoi wears a full-length unitard, colored gold/silver -- with matching knee pads and black boots.

Title History

- None

Tournament History

- None

Signature Moves

- None

Biography: Itoi grew up as an avid fan of pro-wrestling from childhood due to being captivated by the larger than life and seemingly superhuman personalities. Despite being plagued by health problems, Itoi did his best to stay physically active -- with the dream of someday becoming a pro-wrestler. Itoi regularly attended Pro-Wrestling FURY events during his youth, and was an active member of the company's official fan club. Itoi sometimes jokes that his childhood delinquency was as a result of idolizing heel wrestlers such as KANJI Sakaigama and ATSUKA... He was a surprising candidate for pro-wrestling when he approached the New FURY Gym upon its opening. While initially earning low marks due to his size and physical limitations, he showed remarkable improvement in the weeks ahead. Tetsuhisa NAKAI himself admitted to underestimating Itoi's Burning Spirit. And if you know anything about NAKAI's pride, you would understand how big of a statement that is. He earned exceptionally high marks in technique and spirit by the end of his formal training. Of all of the first term students, Itoi may have the most technical knowledge due to his life-long passion for pro-wrestling. In addition, Itoi continues diligently studying tapes and Internet videos from the past, and plans to incorporate anything he finds useful!