December 05, 1970


Real Name: Masatoshi Aoyama (碧山雅寿)
Nickname: "Crafter M.A."
Birthdate: April 10, 1995
Hometown: Yokkaichi, Mie
Height: 190cm (6'2")
Weight: 103kg (228 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Debut Match: December 21, 2015 (w/ Shuusaku Kaito vs. Naoki Fukuda & TAKU)
Theme Song: TBD

Physical Appearance: Lanky figure with a dark tan. Aoyama has rather unkept hair, medium length. His face is largely clean shaven, aside from a patch of hair under his bottom lip.

Ring Costume: Aoyama wears gold/silver tights cut off above his knees, in addition to knee pads and boots of similar colors.

Title History:

- None

Tournament History:

- None

Signature Moves:

- None

Biography: Excelling in baseball and track during his high school years, Aoyama narrowly missed out on a full ride scholarship to Osaka University. Assessing his options, Aoyama began training at the New FURY Gym, immediately standing out among the five first term students. Harnessing blinding speed and agility for a wrestler of his size, Aoyama is sure to be a force in the ring.

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